
something new.

i did something new as a photographer...

and that was photograph a birth story.

even though these are super trendy now days,
i don't mind jumping on this bandwagon, because i find these experiences truly incredible.

i think photos from birth stories can be some of the most beautiful photographs i've ever seen.

i photographed my (kind of) first birth story about a month ago.

you can see the photos here.

and also view some more of my recent work 
and here.

let me know what you think!


Kate said...

Those pictures are beautiful! The babies look perfect!

carla thorup said...

those babies are so precious. makes me giddy!

and congrats to the family - twins! what an adventure.

(also, i tried to comment on the photo blog- but it said "please enter a password" and i don't know what that means. fyi)

Sarah said...

Love them!

Emily Meyerhoffer said...

Those are awesome Jalene! I for sure want to do that when I have a baby. How lucky that she got two :)