

Here are some random facts about me that I've compiled.

I love fresh peaches... I always wear my seatbelt... I like to cross things off on lists... I hate blowing my nose... All my clothes have to face the same way in my closet... And they are color coordinated... I think my feet have really bad circulation... I have one blonde eyelash... I prefer blue pens over black ones... I cry a lot.... I really like cheese... Colby Jack is my favorite... I eat my chicken nuggets with barbeque and ranch dressing... I am possibly the worst basketball player ever... I hate being in the spot light... I know what it feels like to have a broken heart... I like reading... I have the greatest friends in the whole world... I have crowd surfed... I've watched every single episdoe of FRIENDS. I am Jalene.

Maybe I'll think of more.


kristin brown said...


Lindsay Kay said...

I love it! That's a good compilation of facts! :) I've never tried Colby Jake cheese before...what's it taste like? :)