
You must never mistake passing local cloud cover for general darkness

Every year my sweet grandma has all the grand children write a story. She gives us a topic and then makes a book. That book is our Christmas present. Every year most of us grumble about it and usually don't get it in on time. She begs us to write them and we eventually do. This summer when I was at my cabin I sat down and read some of the entries I had written when I was younger. I sat there and laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. I still have a hard time sitting down and writing them, mostly because I feel like a very inadequate writer. If only I was given some of my grandma's amazing ability to write (English major at BYU). Well, here is my contribution to this year's book. I thought I would blog about it because it's something I truly believe it. I may not convey it in a beautiful manner, but here you go.

This year's topic : "You must never mistake passing local cloud cover for general darkness"

Lately, I've been evaluating my life and how I am living it and how want to live it. I'm not sure if it's because of examples around me, inspiring books I've read, or if it's just part of growing up, or even a combination. In life we all experience trails or "passing local cloud cover." I believe when we experience hardships we have two choices to make. We can choose to see it as a learning opportunity or "general darkness." It's what we do with that choice that will determine our happiness and ultimately the direction our life will continue in. One of the greatest lessons I've learned in life is that I choose my emotions. I choose to feel the way I do. Nothing outside of me can MAKE me feel angry, upset, or frustrated. While there are many things that I could get angry, upset, or frustrated over, in the end, I choose to let it affect me or not. I've decided that there just isn't enough time to feel anything but happiness. Life is full of surprises and nothing will ever be perfect, but I know that life is more enjoyable when you can see the beauty in everything, even in trials, or an unkind person, or a stressful day. To lay down in bed every night and say, "Today was great day!" would be a wonderful life lived. And maybe sometimes the only way to get through things is to take it one day at a time. We may not like our situation or circumstances, but if we have faith in our Heavenly Father and understand that He knows what is best for us we can see them in a different perspective. I've decided it's all about perception--how we see the world and what it brings us and what we choose to do with it. It’s an amazing plan our Father has created for us. I still don’t understand all of it, but I find hope, love, and happiness embedded in it. I know that it is true and this is my testimony.
Grandma Thackeray

1 comment:

kristin brown said...

I love that, Jalene! I'm so glad you wrote that on your blog today. :) I've had some of those same realizatios lately--mostly about the choices we make and how they affect our happiness. I love it. And you! :)