
i'm too tired to think of a title.

i often think about that thing called


given the circumstances, i've applauded my immune system thus far in this crazy semester i've gotten myself in to.

but i've wondered if that thing called capacity has reached its limits in the immune system area

because today i'm feeling nothing short of

utterly exhausted.

i'm hoping this will only last for one day

and i'm hoping i haven't contracted something.

have you ever been so tired that all you can think about is how you would give anything in the world to have a bed to lay on?

i commend my body for lasting this long.

we are in week 4. only 12 to go.

i think tonight calls for a healthy meal and early bed time.



Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yikes, no fun at all! Hope you feel rejuvenated soon!

kate said...

Yes, you've got a horrendous schedule. No thanks! :)

Here's to beauty rest!

Jacob said...

oh man, i know that feeling all too well. i woke up two days ago sick as a piece of poop. and i really hope you dont get it too! i dont know how you do all you do and i hope you feel better! i hope i didnt overwhelm you with my 450 emails!
ill pray for you!
call me if i can help seriously!

kathleen said...

I just found your blog and I'm loving it. So pretty. Gotta go read more. Xoxo

Kara Lynn said...

Hope you're feeling better today!

Kelsie said...

i had this same feeling yesterday morning (naturally because wednesday mornings i am on the go from 7 AM to 10 PM) and all i longed for was to stay in bed just an hour longer. luckily tonight i am devoted to doing exactly what you suggested: get to bed early and eat something wonderful.

hang in there! these weeks will fly by and before you know it we will be reading all about your wedding!!

Anonymous said...

3 Items of Business:
-"The cape-a-city of this bus is 84 passengers!"
-Don't get sick!
-Honk-shoo makes me laugh.