
thanksgiving: 2010.

 the table:

my place setting:

and my delicious food:

between making a banana cream pie, FROM SCRATCH!
(i'm so proud)

and napping,

and watching football with the hubs,

and playing with the kiddos,

this is all i managed to document of the day.

pretty, no?


Anonymous said...

the table looks so pretty and the food looks so yummy!

i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

Diana Smith said...

wow pretty place settings! It looks all so yummy!

Mandy said...

Gorgeous table scape!

I hope you had a great break.

Jacob said...

gorgeous!!! i love thanksgiving!!!

EJ said...

little...this looks amazing! i'm so proud of you.

EJ said...

little...this looks amazing! i'm so proud of you.