our weekend was quite an eventful one.
lincoln has been playing in a full-pad football league since december.
his team went undefeated and saturday was the championship game.
mr. linc plays quarterback and is pretty smokin' hot if i do say so myself.
they played hard and it ended up being a close game towards the end.
the games were fun to watch, but i'm not going to miss cringing every time he gets hit by a 300+ pound linebacker.
he looks like a little munchkin out there sometimes...
the funny/random thing is that he played my nephew's team.
yes, my nephew, cameron.
he's older than me.
linc and cam:
lincoln's supportive friends:
and family:
after the game was quite chaotic... i won't blog about the bad things like how lincoln shattered his iPhone screen and then the snow was so bad that we drove off the road and hit like 57 pot holes... but yeah. :)
sunday morning brought lots of snow and after getting one car stuck, we still made it on time to lincoln's little sister's farewell talk.
miss abigail is leaving us on wednesday to serve a mission for the lds church in the Santiago Chile West mission.
i'm quite sad, but also really happy for her.
i will be crying on wednesday, just so you know.
abby's friends said i only could take a picture of them if i put it on the blog.
so here you are girls... :)
their "awkward" pose:
after everyone left yesterday, we all crashed on the couch and had the most wonderful nap.
what did you do this weekend?
Yes! Made it!
elicia! i love her!
congrats to the new missionary. she is soo lucky i can't stand it.
Yay Lincoln! Good luck tomorrow!
I was so bummed that we couldn't come to the game! Boo work! haha I love football almost as much as I love a good gooey brownie, so tell the LT [as Tyler refers to him] we're sorry we are so lame! Miss you guys!
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