well, folks.
it's the last week for the run of hairspray.
i can not believe how fast time has gone.
in the past when i've done shows, by the fourth week, i feel like i've been doing the show forever.
i always said if i had only one opportunity to do a show, i would choose hairspray.
and so far it's been an amazing experience.
i've had SO much fun and not the mention i got off my butt and got some exercise.
like seriously cardio, people.
i'm kind of sad it's almost over and i will definitely miss my theatre friends,
but i think i'm ready to have my nights back and more time with mr. lincoln.
(he's excited about that part too.)
and i bet you'll be excited that i'll have something else to talk about!
here's some photos i've taken during the run:
my hair definitely won't miss all the ratting.
my cute friend, shanna!
i'm kind of like the giant council girl...
ok, so this dress!!
it is a vintage dress that was donated to the theatre.
it fits me like a glove and is sooooooo beautiful!
i was so happy i could wear it.
the detail:
the only downside is that it's pretty much the exact same color as my skin.
oh well.
so many of my family and friends came to see me!
sadly, i didn't get pictures with everyone, but i'm so grateful for all of you who came out and supported me!
this is my little brother-in-law, preston, and he flew all the way from Oklahoma to see me!
okay, so maybe he came to utah for other reasons, but still! ;)
and this is my cute lindsey and tyler friends!
i'd also like to point out over on the right hand side, preston, getting attacked by a friend.
and here's to my last week...
You look awesome in your costume!
love that dress that got donated to the theater, it looks stunning on you!
you're so adorable and tiny.
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