
what a week!

what a week...

what a week!

is it seriously almost july??!

my mind keeps thinking it's spring still.

so let's talk about this week:

kick ball. 
apparently my body is telling me i should probably exercise once in a while because i can't even play kickball without my legs feeling like death for the next day 3 days.  
it's the kind of sore where you avoid going to the bathroom as long as possible because the half way point between standing and sitting on the porceiln thrown is torture beyond belief. 
and you also find yourself lifting your legs in/out of bed, in/out of cross legged position all with your arms. 
i also recently jumped on a bunch of trampolines. and i don't remember it being that hard.

why is 23 feeling so old already?

also, i got to work one day and a few hours later the landscapers came inside to tell me my back tire was flat.


good thing my mom remembered i have hyundai roadside assistance with my warranty.
saved my life.

driving home on a spare: 45 min commute.  yuck.
normal commute with normal tire: 20 min

turned out to be a nail which only cost me $12 to fix.
did i mention we just bought FOUR new tires for lincoln's car like 3 weeks ago?
i wasn't too excited at the idea of having to buy ANOTHER tire.

my little nephew left to serve a 2 year lds mission wednesday.
i cried a lot.
love that kid and so proud of him.
he is headed to Louisiana Baton Rouge!

in the past year i've said goodbye to 4 missionaries in my family.

it doesn't get any easier, let me tell you.

i've been really excited about photography lately!
i'm always excited about it, but lately i've been ultra excited about it.

i have some amazing shoots lined up for the next little while and i'm in heaven.

here's my gorgeous co-worker friend, lauren:

beautiful yes?

also, lincoln keeps meeting all these famous people at work which is kind of cool.

nba players, rappers, ben stein, ty from extreme home makeover, and best of all:
brian regan.

totally cool.

and some more nephew pictures:

marshall and his beautiful eyelashes eating pink cake:

and beck mid-word "ball" (his favorite word) throwing mini basketball at camera:

life is great, eh?


Claire White said...

what is it with boys getting all the good lashes?! those photos are gorgeous! can't wait to see more!

kylee said...

agreed. boys always get the good lashes and perfect bangs. your lucky man getting to meet all those famous people. something i have yet to cross off my bucket list.

andrea said...

MY FAMILY LIVES IN BATON ROUGE!! How stinkin cool is that?! I'll tell them to keep an eye out for the new elder! ps. last night I went running & the first half was all uphill and my legs are hatin' me today for sure. I feel your pain. (literally.)

Anonymous said...

Haha. Awesome. I love all of these photos :) Happiness!

kristin brown said...

that photo of your nephew is so pretty... i mean handsome. :) and the one of your friend too. very pretty. we should get together to talk photography soon!!!

p.s. i tried to comment on your photo blog posts like last week when it was broken and couldn't so i'm saying it here: your birth story is LOVELY. so so wonderful. that's all. :)

Steve and Nicole said...

I don't even know how I found your blog today but your pictures are AMAZING! I love clean simple bright pictures and yours are perfect!