
Jalene's week of change

This week.

I'm going to change my life...

Well, not too drastically, but I'm going to get back on track. I think the last... oh... three weeks of my life have been the craziest THREE of my 21 years of existence. Yes, I do believe so.

I need order and consistency. I've been lacking it so much that I want to SCREAM!!! Seriously.

So I set some goals...
Wrote out an hour by hour schedule...
And I already felt SOOO much better today.
Do you know what else I'm going to do?
Go to bed early! I can't tell you how miserably tired I am every morning I wake up. It bites a lot, and I'm sick of it.

I seriously can't wait for life to be (somewhat) normal again. Yay!

Here I come week of change!


kristin brown said...

Yay for change! I wish you luck. Let's chat in the morning before I fly away. :) I love you.

Anonymous said...

You seem so much happier too! Congrats cream puff! Love you :D

Anonymous said...

you are such a sweetheart, I am so happy for you and your desire to change and be better. You are a great example to us all Jalene. Thank you darling!!!!