
here's to happiness

been reading the rockstar diaries and was inspired to write my list

10 things that make me terribly happy:

1. The laundry detergent isle at the grocery store.

2. The Song "The Best of My Love" by The Emotions.

3. When a complete stranger tells me I'm beautiful and that I should be on the cover of a magazine.

4. Jumping pictures.

5. Getting A's in all my classes during the most drama-filled semester of my life.

6. Warm sun shine rays on my face.

7. Performing under the hot lights on stage opening night.

8. People showing up for a surprise visit.

9. Peanut Butter M&Ms

10. Paid holidays

what makes you terribly happy?

here's to happiness

and the little things.


Anonymous said...

Yup yup, I'd have to agree 100% with your number 1 :)

Leon said...

What was the name of that book you wanted me to read? Finding Elroy? And amazing picture. And you're fantastic.

Whitney said...

cute cute cute. love this!

kellichristinecase said...

great photo.

you rock.

i like those too.

and you really should be on the cover of a magazine.