
a play date.

my computer is ill.

so i'm blogging from the ultra slow MacBook.
it's memory is quite full and doesn't like to do things speedily.

let's all hope i get my computer back soon!

last week i got to hang out with beck for a little while.

he's probably one of my most favorite people to hang out with.  
yep, he is.

first, we went to pictureline and i bought a new lens.

beck was so nice and smiled big for me while i tested it out:

then we went home and showcased off beck's new adorable haircut:

all the while playing with balls, of course.
or "baghh" as beck calls them:

penny posed nice and pretty for a few photos as well:

then we made some fake phone calls, because there's only some much you can talk about when the only words you know are "ball" and "uh-oh."

then we played sword fighting with mommy:

whew.... what a fun day!  thanks for letting me come play!

a quick hello from midge:

she has found a very warm little place to sleep behind the direct tv receiver.


emily said...

my sister's cat sleeps on/behind their cable box too!

Claire White said...

he is too cute. makes me baby hungry! and i love midge's hiding spots :)

Natalie and Lee said...

Your photography is beautiful! What an adorable little boy! LOVE his haircut! Too cute! :)

Leah said...

Wow that new lens is so clear and crisp, just what you wanted! Great pictures!!! That little boy is adorable, if I do say so myself :)


Mitch and Serretta Barlow said...

Ahh! Beck is so cute I can't take it! What great pictures!